As we all know, success neither happens by coincidence nor is it the result of hard work alone. So what is the secret? What if we could easily plant success – professionally, privately or in every other area of our life? What if there were reliable methods of bringing (back) our passion, our talents, our purpose in life?
Our teachers from the Diamond Cutter Institute (DCI) provide answers to these questions. The principles they present to participants of their lectures or workshops are based on the sure knowledge that everything we experience in our life results from how we treat others. Participants receive easily applicable tools to change their world.
These principles stem from one of the oldest books of the world: the Diamond-Cutter Sutra. The American Manager and Buddhist monk Geshe Michael Roach has proved these principles to be true by building up a successful company. After having sold this company to Warren Buffet he founded the Diamond Cutter Institut with its mission to make people more successful and happier. We, the team from Akademie Blumenau, are proud to be able to present qualified DCI-teacher for your all-day or evening event in Germany, Austria and in Switzerland.
DCI City Intensive „Planting Success“
Evening event (2 hours) – Introduction to the Diamond Cutter Principles
All-day event (8 hours) – Background, tools and practical application of the Diamond-Cutter principles into day-to-day professional life.
Please contact Eva Balzer for booking or any questions as to prices and booking details by email: or by phone: +49 177.3573987